Tassel Necklace
108 Mala Beads ~ featuring a traditional tassel
Hand crafted tassel necklace mala with cotton or pure silk tassels. Beaded Tassel Necklace with traditional tassel or feather tassel.
Tibetan Buddhist malas are sacred beads to count mantra recitations, for meditation, yoga, prayer & reflection. The goal is to feel the mala beads with the fingers, recite the mantra and visualise the deity at the same time – involving body, speech & mind. This helps to focus awareness and concentration during meditation.
Why 108 Beads?
Buddhist Prayer Beads are made with 108 beads as the Buddha taught that there are 108 mental afflictions or impure thoughts. Also, after chanting 100 mantras eight extra mantras are chanted to allow for any when concentration lapsed. The guru bead (the larger 3 holed bead) is not counted.
Tibetan mala beads often have counter beads at 27 bead intervals to help with the counting process (this is why some of our malas have 111 beads … 108 beads + 3 counter beads = 111 beads)
Amazonite Long Tassel Necklace
£66.00 -
Amazonite Tassel Necklace
£77.00 -
Clear Quartz Knotted Mala
£99.00 -
Harmony Prayer Beads
£94.00 -
Heart Chakra Tassel Mala
£59.00 -
Higher Chakras Mala
£77.00 -
Howlite Mala
£47.00 -
Jade Buddhist Mala Beads
£60.00 -
Lapis Lazuli Buddhist Mala Beads
£62.00 -
Lapis Lazuli Tassel Mala
£72.00 -
Larvikite Mala Beads
£49.00 -
Larvikite Prayer Mala Beads
£50.00 -
Lava Rock Knotted Mala Beads
£77.00 -
Mandala Mala Beads
£39.00 -
Matte Onyx Mala
£49.00 -
Mookaite Mala Beads
£50.00 -
Moonstone Buddhist Mala Beads
£95.00 -
Onyx Buddhist Mala Beads
£56.00 -
Onyx Knotted Mala
£78.00 -
Onyx Tassel Mala
£53.00 -
Pearl Feather Mala
£111.00 -
Rudraksha Buddhist Mala Beads
£46.00 -
Sacral Chakra Tassel Mala
£57.00 -
Sandalwood Knotted Mala
£78.00 – £80.00 -
Sandalwood Knotted Necklace Mala
£80.00 – £82.00 -
Sandalwood Mala Tassel Collection
£41.00 -
Sandalwood with Gold Mala
£82.00 -
Sunstone Knotted Mala
£103.00 -
Tigers Eye Buddhist Mala Beads
£60.00 -
Tigers Eye Knotted Mala Beads