Nine Round Breathing Buddhist Meditation
Nine round breathing is a simple Buddhist meditation technique often used to clear the energy channels prior to meditating. It helps to steady the mind, has a calming effect and promotes good health and well being. Anyone can learn this meditation technique, you don’t have to be a Buddhist.
Choose a quiet place. Get comfortable. Sit in a relaxed and stable position.
It is beneficial to sit upright with your spine straight. -
Set your motivation for the meditation, for example, to understand and calm my mind.
A typical Buddhist meditation approach is to set your intention to meditate for the benefit of all beings. -
Observe the Breath
Close your eyes and spend a few minutes watching the breath, be a silent observer of the breath.
Relax and focus on the natural rhythmic cycles of the breath. -
The subtle body is governed by 3 primary channels of energy and 7 chakras.
Visualise the 3 channels: left is white, right is red and the central channel is blue.
The central channel is a transparent hollow tube approx half inch diameter and runs from the crown of the head to the base of the spine. The right and left channels start from the respective nostrils, curve over and run alongside the central channel to a few inches below below the navel. -
The Meditation
Round 1
In through the right
Block the left nostril with the finger and breathe in through the right nostril, visualising clean light travelling down the red right channel and up the white left channel.
Concentrate on the movement of the breath energy through your body & nervous system. Feel the air completely filling your body.
Out through the left
Block the right nostril with the finger and breathe out through the left nostril, exhale slowly, exhaling negativity and attachment.Round 2 ~ repeat Round 1
Round 3 ~ repeat Round 1
Round 4
In through the left
Reverse the procedure: breathe in through the left and out through the right nostril.
Block the right nostril with the finger and inhale through the left nostril, inhale slowly and steadily, visualising clear wisdom light travelling down the white left channel and up the red right channel.
Out through the right
Block the left nostril with the finger and breathe out through the right nostril, imagine impurities are expelled as you exhale negativity and anger.Round 5 ~ repeat Round 4
Round 6 ~ repeat Round 4
Round 7
In through both
Breathe in through both the nostrils, visualising clear wisdom light travelling down both the white left channel and the red right channel, then going up the central blue channel.
Out through both
Breathe out through both the nostrils, exhaling negativity and ignorance.Round 8 ~ repeat Round 7
Round 9 ~ repeat Round 7
Imagine the three channels are luminous and clean with the energy flowing freely. Your mind should now be settled and calm; the perfect time to sit for 15 minutes (or more) in a focused meditation session.
After meditation remember to dedicate the positive energy & merit generated by your meditation to the benefit of all beings.