Eightfold Path Wrist Mala
Healing Properties at a glance
Tigers Eye – grounding, uplifting, positive attitude, laughter, humour, prosperity
Carnelian – increases confidence, protect against negative emotions, restores self-esteem
Citrine – cleansing, energising, abundance, creative, confidence, calming, warming
Fluorite – protective, healing, heightens intuition, stability, grounding, truth
Blue Lace Agate – freedom, serenity, confidence, nurturing, communication, throat chakra
Lepidolite – calming, clearing blockages, bringing awareness, reduces depression, obsessive thinking, mood swings and insomnia
Amethyst – spiritual awareness, creativity, wisdom, healing, addictions
Selenite – a calming, cleansing stone with a fine, high vibration, good for meditation and opening the crown and higher chakras, brings clarity of mind, balances the emotions and clears confusion
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