Crystal Wand


Bronze Prajnaparamita Crystal Massage Wand

Bronze wand featuring the face of Prajnaparamita.
Prajnaparamita is a Mahayanna deity representing the perfection of wisdom, or prajna.
She is a female deity known as the “Great Mother” or Yum Chenmo in Tibetan.

Hand carved, cold cast bronze massage wand measures 13cm x 2cm
Please see the process of making cold cast bronze in our blog here

Crystal wand vailable with a choice of massage stones:
1. Labradorite
2. Rose Quartz
3. Amethyst

Healing Properties at a glance
Labradorite – universal energy, raises consciousness, mystical, protective
Rose Quartz – unconditional love, heart chakra, forgiveness, let go of anger, resentment and jealousy
Amethyst – spiritual awareness, creativity, wisdom, healing, addictions


Crystal keepsake

Crystal keepsake

With every order we include full colour glossy information about the healing properties of the crystal gemstone – beautifully presented in a neat recycled envelope & finished with a wax seal. This makes for a fabulous gift or keepsake.

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